
Krapohl-Wirth Consulting Company



The target is not the submission of an offer, but the generation of an order and of new clients.

+ Ask your sales department about 20 new clients.
+  Ask your sales department about the period of time when the last 20 new clients have been won.
+  Ask your sales department about the period of time which is necessary for generating again 20 new clients.

Not later than at this moment you know that in this case there is a great need of action with enormous potentials, especially taking the fact into account that the client number for your company is practically unlimited.

In the light of the increasing globalisation with correlative challenges with regard to flexibility and competitiveness, the target-oriented orientation of the company in strategical important fields, as well as the clear definition of central sales markets, products and clients, is a central success element.

KW-Consulting-Group offers – constitutive on the experience of numerous, successful projects realised by experienced senior consultants – the successful reorganization of your sales organization and creates a strategical new orientation, if this is necessary.

We orientate our actions exclusively towards the desires and requirements of the free markets and we integrate your wishes in it. Based on our “go-market-strategy”, measures and milestones are being defined, focussed on the amplification of your current clientele and your turnover, and applied of an amplification of the degree of popularity of your company as a professional future-oriented player.

Parallel to the long-term successful positioning of your company in new target markets, we are introducing measures for generating turnover on a short term basis – i.e: we identify gaps in the acquisition systems where your company can jump in without any problems on a short term basis as a problem solver.

The focus of our worldwide client screening is being thus underlined, so that their product necessities matches to the core competencies of your company. If necessary, KW-Consulting-Group will carry out clear declarations about the optimization of your production structures within defined assignment of tasks provided by the client. This way, you can compete by means of new cost structures at prices in line with the market.
We offer such a project in different phases as follows:

+  Swot Analysis of the appearance image, of the performances, of the installed technology and of the know-how of your company.

+  Definition of measures on short, middle and long-term basis. By short term measures we understand the ones which generate immediate increase in turnover by means of taking over the existing maintenance resources. Middle-term measures are measures in the usual enquiry process and long-term strategies orientate towards the positioning of your company in strategical markets.

+  Implementation of the market strategy with the special fields of the company.

The duration of the project depends of the size of your company and of the current success of your sales structures.
In the illustrated example, there were approx. 16 weeks. During the joint project, our experienced senior consultants and our marketing teams work together intensively with the special fields of your company. The implementation of the measures is being actively accompanied by our consultants.

As a result of the close cooperation and of the long-lasting operative experience in the most different sales markets, the success rate is above average. If during the realisation it becomes clear that the organisation of a company misses the necessary capability of transformation, then we are at any time able to actively lead towards the success the adaptation and realisation of the market concepts within interim management solutions.

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We can rely on long-term experience and high specialized knowledge in Market, we are the right contact person for you.

Market – Challenge Par Excellence!


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